Modulo:links/unsupported titles
La documentazione per questo modulo può essere creata in Modulo:links/unsupported titles/man
local U = mw.ustring.char
The "actual title" is the page name with the prefix "Unsupported titles/" removed.
["displayed_title"] = "actual title"
local data = {
["{"] = "Left curly bracket",
["}"] = "Right curly bracket",
["["] = "Left square bracket",
["]"] = "Right square bracket",
["<"] = "Less than",
[">"] = "Greater than",
["=<"] = "Equal greater than",
["=>"] = "Greater than equal",
[">="] = "Greater than equal",
["<="] = "Less than equal",
["->"] = "Hyphen greater than",
["<-"] = "Less than hyphen",
[">_<"] = "Greater than low line less than",
["::"] = "Double colon",
[": :"] = "Enclosing colons",
[":="] = "Colon equals",
[":Þ"] = "Colon capital thorn",
["://"] = "Colon slash slash",
[":("] = "Colon left paren",
[":)"] = "Colon right paren",
["<>"] = "Less than greater than",
["<3"] = "Less than three",
["< >"] = "Enclosing less than greater than",
["< />"] = "Less than trailing slash greater than",
["< > </ >"] = "HTML start tag end tag",
["<!-- -->"] = "HTML comment",
["<g>"] = "g tag",
[":-("] = "Colon hyphen left paren",
[":-)"] = "Colon hyphen right paren",
["|"] = "Vertical line",
["||"] = "Vertical line vertical line",
["| |"] = "Enclosing vertical lines",
["C#"] = "C sharp",
["#"] = "Number sign",
["# #"] = "Enclosing number signs",
[":"] = "Colon",
[".."] = "Double period",
["."] = "Full stop",
["_"] = "Low line",
["-_-"] = "Low line interfix",
[U(0xFFFD)] = "Replacement character",
["[ ]"] = "Square brackets",
["{ }"] = "Curly brackets",
["[…]"] = "Square bracketed ellipsis",
["_ _"] = "Enclosing low lines",
["C|N>K"] = "C through N to K",
["о/."] = "о slash dot",
["กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยามหาดิลกภพ นพรัตน์ราชธานีบุรีรมย์ อุดมราชนิเวศน์มหาสถาน อมรพิมานอวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยะวิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์"] = "Thai name of Bangkok",
["λοπαδοτεμαχοσελαχογαλεοκρανιολειψανοδριμυποτριμματοσιλφιοκαραβομελιτοκατακεχυμενοκιχλ" .. U(0xAD) .. "επικοσσυφοφαττοπεριστεραλεκτρυονοπτοκεφαλλιοκιγκλοπελειολαγῳοσιραιοβαφητραγανοπτερύγων"] = "Ancient Greek dish",
[":≠"] = ":≠",
["S:t"] = "S:t",
["S:ta"] = "S:ta",
["c:a"] = "c:a",
["n:a"] = "n:a",
["n:o"] = "n:o",
["n:r"] = "n:r",
["s:a"] = "s:a",
["st:a"] = "st:a",
["v:a"] = "v:a",
return data