A ---
- About
- about
- Aboutpage
- aboutpage
- aboutsite
- Aboutwikipedia
- Abruzzo
- Accesskey-addsection
- Accesskey-anontalk
- Accesskey-anonuserpage
- Accesskey-article
- Accesskey-compareselectedversions
- accesskey-compareselectedversions
- Accesskey-contributions
- Accesskey-currentevents
- Accesskey-delete
- Accesskey-edit
- Accesskey-emailuser
- Accesskey-help
- Accesskey-history
- Accesskey-login
- Accesskey-logout
- Accesskey-mainpage
- Accesskey-minoredit
- accesskey-minoredit
- Accesskey-move
- Accesskey-mycontris
- Accesskey-mytalk
- Accesskey-portal
- Accesskey-preferences
- Accesskey-preview
- accesskey-preview
- Accesskey-protect
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- Accesskey-recentchanges
- Accesskey-recentchangeslinked
- Accesskey-save
- accesskey-save
- Accesskey-search
- accesskey-search
- Accesskey-sitesupport
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- Accesskey-specialpages
- Accesskey-talk
- Accesskey-undelete
- Accesskey-unwatch
- Accesskey-upload
- Accesskey-userpage
- Accesskey-viewsource
- Accesskey-watch
- Accesskey-watchlist
- Accesskey-whatlinkshere
- Accmailtext
- accmailtext
- Accmailtitle
- accmailtitle
- Acct creation throttle hit
- acct creation throttle hit
- Actioncomplete
- actioncomplete
- Addedwatch
- addedwatch
- Addedwatchtext
- addedwatchtext
- addgroup
- Addsection
- addsection
- Administrators
- administrators
- Affirmation
- affirmation
- All
- all
- All messages
- All system messages
- allarticles
- alllogstext
- Allmessages
- allmessages
- allmessagesnotsupportedDB
- allmessagesnotsupportedUI
- Allmessagestext
- allmessagestext
- Allpages
- allpages
- allpagesformtext1
- allpagesformtext2
- allpagesnamespace
- allpagesnext
- allpagesprev
- allpagessubmit
- Alphaindexline
- alphaindexline
- Alreadyloggedin
- alreadyloggedin
- Alreadyrolled
- alreadyrolled
- Ancientpages
- ancientpages
- And
- and
- Anontalk
- anontalk
- Anontalkpagetext
- anontalkpagetext
- Anonymous
- anonymous
- AreeNaturaliProtette
- Articleexists
- articleexists
- articlenamespace
- Articlepage
- articlepage
- Asksql
- asksql
- asksqlpheading
- Asksqltext
- asksqltext
- Autoblocker
- autoblocker
'B ---
- Badarticleerror
- badarticleerror
- Badfilename
- badfilename
- Badfiletype
- badfiletype
- Badipaddress
- badipaddress
- Badquery
- badquery
- Badquerytext
- badquerytext
- Badretype
- badretype
- Badtitle
- badtitle
- Badtitletext
- badtitletext
- Basilicata
- Blanknamespace
- blanknamespace
- block compress delete
- Blockedtext
- blockedtext
- Blockedtitle
- blockedtitle
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- blockip
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- blockipsuccesssub
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- blockipsuccesstext
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- blockiptext
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- blocklink
- Blocklistline
- blocklistline
- Blocklogentry
- blocklogentry
- Blocklogpage
- blocklogpage
- Blocklogtext
- blocklogtext
- blockpheading
- Bold sample
- bold sample
- Bold tip
- bold tip
- Booksources
- booksources
- Booksourcetext
- booksourcetext
B cont.
- Brokenredirects
- brokenredirects
- Brokenredirectstext
- brokenredirectstext
- bug
- Bugreports
- bugreports
- Bugreportspage
- bugreportspage
- Buon Natale
- Bureaucratlog
- bureaucratlog
- Bureaucratlogentry
- bureaucratlogentry
- Bureaucrattext
- bureaucrattext
- Bureaucrattitle
- bureaucrattitle
- Bydate
- bydate
- Byname
- byname
- Bysize
- bysize
C ---
- Cachederror
- cachederror
- Calabria
- Campania
- Cancel
- Cannotdelete
- cannotdelete
- Cantoni svizzeri
- Cantrollback
- cantrollback
- Carlbarks
- CategoriaTOC
- Categories
- categories
- Categoriespagetext
- categoriespagetext
- Category
- category
- Category header
- category header
- Categoryarticlecount
- categoryarticlecount
- categoryarticlecount1
- Changepassword
- changepassword
- Changes
- changes
- Classis
- Clearyourcache
- clearyourcache
- Columns
- columns
- Commentedit
- commons
- Compareselectedversions
- compareselectedversions
- completare
- Completare per wikizionario
- Confirm
- confirm
- Confirmcheck
- confirmcheck
- Confirmdelete
- confirmdelete
- Confirmdeletetext
- confirmdeletetext
- Confirmprotect
- confirmprotect
- Confirmprotecttext
- confirmprotecttext
- Confirmunprotect
- confirmunprotect
- Confirmunprotecttext
- confirmunprotecttext
- Contextchars
- contextchars
- Contextlines
- contextlines
- Contribslink
- contribslink
- Contribsub
- contribsub
- Contributions
- contributions
- Copyright
- copyright
- Copyrightpage
- copyrightpage
- Copyrightpagename
- copyrightpagename
- Copyrightwarning
- copyrightwarning
- copyrightwarning2
- Couldntremove
- couldntremove
- Createaccount
- createaccount
- Createaccountmail
- createaccountmail
- createaccountpheading
- Creditspage
- creditspage
- Currentevents
- currentevents
- currentevents-url
- Currentrev
- currentrev
- currentrevisionlink
D ---
- Databaseerror
- databaseerror
- Dateformat
- dateformat
- Dberrortext
- dberrortext
- Dberrortextcl
- dberrortextcl
- Deadendpages
- deadendpages
- Debug
- debug
- default
- Defaultns
- defaultns
- Defemailsubject
- defemailsubject
- Delete
- delete
- Deletecomment
- deletecomment
- Deletedarticle
- deletedarticle
- deletedrevision
- Deletedtext
- deletedtext
- Deleteimg
- deleteimg
- deleteimgcompletely
- Deletepage
- deletepage
- deletepheading
- Deletesub
- deletesub
- Deletethispage
- deletethispage
- Deletionlog
- deletionlog
- Dellogpage
- dellogpage
- Dellogpagetext
- dellogpagetext
- Developerspheading
- Developertext
- developertext
- Developertitle
- developertitle
- Difference
- difference
- Disambigua
- Disambiguations
- disambiguations
- Disambiguationspage
- disambiguationspage
- Disambiguationstext
- disambiguationstext
- Disclaimerpage
- disclaimerpage
- Disclaimers
- disclaimers
D cont.
- Doubleredirects
- doubleredirects
- Doubleredirectstext
- doubleredirectstext
E ---
- Edit
- edit
- Editcomment
- editcomment
- Editconflict
- editconflict
- Editcurrent
- editcurrent
- editgroup
- Edithelp
- edithelp
- Edithelppage
- edithelppage
- Editing
- editing
- editingcomment
- Editingold
- editingold
- editingsection
- Editsection
- editsection
- Editthispage
- editthispage
- editusergroup
- Emailflag
- emailflag
- Emailforlost
- emailforlost
- Emailfrom
- emailfrom
- Emailmessage
- emailmessage
- Emailpage
- emailpage
- Emailpagetext
- emailpagetext
- Emailsend
- emailsend
- Emailsent
- emailsent
- Emailsenttext
- emailsenttext
- Emailsubject
- emailsubject
- Emailto
- emailto
- Emailuser
- emailuser
- Emilia-Romagna
- eml-rom
- Emptyfile
- emptyfile
- Enterlockreason
- enterlockreason
- Error
- error
- Errorpagetitle
- errorpagetitle
- Europa
- -example-
- Exbeforeblank
- exbeforeblank
- Exblank
- exblank
- Excontent
- excontent
- Explainconflict
- explainconflict
- Export
- export
- Exportcuronly
- exportcuronly
- Exporttext
- exporttext
- Extlink sample
- extlink sample
- Extlink tip
- extlink tip
F ---
- Familia
- Faq
- faq
- Faqpage
- faqpage
- Feedlinks
- feedlinks
- Filecopyerror
- filecopyerror
- Filedeleteerror
- filedeleteerror
- Filedesc
- filedesc
- Fileexists
- fileexists
- filemissing
- Filename
- filename
- Filenotfound
- filenotfound
- Filerenameerror
- filerenameerror
- Filesource
- filesource
- Filestatus
- filestatus
- Fileuploaded
- fileuploaded
- Formerror
- formerror
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Fromwikipedia
G ---
- Genova
- Genus
- Getimagelist
- getimagelist
- Googlesearch
- googlesearch
- Guesstimezone
- guesstimezone
H ---
- Headline sample
- headline sample
- Headline tip
- headline tip
- Help
- help
- Helppage
- helppage
- Hide
- hide
- Hidetoc
- hidetoc
- Histlegend
- histlegend
- History
- history
- history copyright
- History short
- history short
- Historywarning
- historywarning
I ---
- Ignorewarning
- ignorewarning
- Illegalfilename
- illegalfilename
- Ilshowmatch
- ilshowmatch
- Ilsubmit
- ilsubmit
- Image sample
- image sample
- Image tip
- image tip
- Imagelinks
- imagelinks
- Imagelist
- imagelist
- Imagelisttext
- imagelisttext
- imagemaxsize
- Imagepage
- imagepage
- Imagereverted
- imagereverted
- Imgdelete
- imgdelete
- Imgdesc
I cont.
- imgdesc
- Imghistlegend
- imghistlegend
- Imghistory
- imghistory
- Imglegend
- imglegend
- Import
- import
- Importfailed
- importfailed
- Importhistoryconflict
- importhistoryconflict
- Importnotext
- importnotext
- Importsuccess
- importsuccess
- Importtext
- importtext
- Indice A
- Indice B
- Indice C
- Indice D
- Indice E
- Indice F
- Indice G
- Indice H
- Indice I
- Indice J
- Indice K
- Indice L
- Indice M
- Indice N
- Indice O
- Indice P
- Indice Q
- Indice R
- Indice S
- Indice T
- Indice Top
- Indice U
- Indice V
- Indice W
- Indice X
- Indice Y
- Indice Z
- Infobox
- infobox
- Infobox alert
- infobox alert
- Infosubtitle
- infosubtitle
- Internalerror
- internalerror
- Interwiktionary
- Ip range invalid
- ip range invalid
- Ipaddress
- ipaddress
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- ipb expiry invalid
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- ipbexpiry
- Ipblocklist
- ipblocklist
- Ipbreason
- ipbreason
- Ipbsubmit
- ipbsubmit
- Ipusubmit
- ipusubmit
- Ipusuccess
- ipusuccess
- Isredirect
- isredirect
- IstituzioniUE
- Italic sample
- italic sample
- Italic tip
- italic tip
- Iteminvalidname
- iteminvalidname
L ---
- Lander tedeschi
- Largefile
- largefile
- Last
- last
- Lastmodified
- lastmodified
- Lastmodifiedby
- lastmodifiedby
- Lazio
- Le coniugazioni verbi in italiano
- Leggirazziali
- Liguria
- Lineno
- lineno
- Lingue nei testi
- Lingue nei Titoli
- Lingue nel testo
- LingueEuropee
- Link sample
- link sample
- Link tip
- link tip
- Linklistsub
- linklistsub
- Linkshere
- linkshere
- Linkstoimage
- linkstoimage
- Linktrail
- linktrail
- Listadmins
- listadmins
- Listform
- listform
- listingcontinuesabbrev
- Listusers
- listusers
- Loadhist
- loadhist
- Loadingrev
- loadingrev
- Localtime
- localtime
- Lockbtn
- lockbtn
- Lockconfirm
- lockconfirm
- Lockdb
- lockdb
- Lockdbsuccesssub
- lockdbsuccesssub
- Lockdbsuccesstext
- lockdbsuccesstext
- Lockdbtext
- lockdbtext
- Locknoconfirm
- locknoconfirm
- log
- Login
- login
- Loginend
- loginend
- Loginerror
- loginerror
- Loginpagetitle
- loginpagetitle
- Loginproblem
- loginproblem
- Loginprompt
- loginprompt
- Loginreqtext
- loginreqtext
- Loginreqtitle
- loginreqtitle
- Loginsuccess
- loginsuccess
- Loginsuccesstitle
- loginsuccesstitle
- Logout
- logout
- Logouttext
- logouttext
- Logouttitle
- logouttitle
- Lombardia
- Lonelypages
- lonelypages
- Longpages
- longpages
- Longpagewarning
- longpagewarning